Majority of ‘Misinformation Experts’ Are Leftists, Study Reveals


A new survey has revealed the political bias behind “misinformation experts.”

Published by Harvard’s Misinformation Review, the report highlights how political affiliation impacts the analysis of a misinformation expert. 83% of the 150 experts polled lean left-of-center, while only 15 identified as centrist. No participants identified themselves as “fairly or very right.”

As part of the survey, the experts were divided into subgroups. Psychologists, for example, were more likely to view misinformation as a key factor in the 2016 U.S. election, while political scientists, often more moderate, were skeptical of its impact.

The findings come amid a heightened focus on “misinformation” – a term often used instead of “fake news” by the left. Concerns over Kamala Harris’ faltering campaign has prompted some media outlets to join the attack on Donald Trump surrounded by an army of “fact-checkers” and experts with left-wing viewpoints.

It does raise questions as to whether a correlation between the political leanings of the federal government and fact-checkers is somewhat Orwellian.
