Yellow Stripey Things

Since I am outside a lot and we live nestled in the foothills of the Santa Ana Mountains in the Cleveland National forest, we are right up against wilderness areas. I have close to an acre with trees, bushes, barns and sheds with plenty of places for pesky varmits to lurk. We have everything in abundance in the image except Cicada killer (don't have Cicada's) and Dirt Dauber.
As far as the sting of all of them goes, the Wasp is definitely the worse followed by the Honeybee. The paper wasp can also sting several times and doesn't die but the Honey bee can sting only once then dies. The Yellow Jacket is a pest when you are eating outside but a sting is rare and mild compared to the others.

The worst problem I have had was with the Wasp as I can be working in an area and not knowing be banging around their mud nest. When that happens I have gotten numerous stings before I even knew what was going on. Extremely painful and I will take some Benadryl if it is more that two or three bites. I have learned to look for wasp nest and other hives before I start working in an area. The stupid dog goes after them and tries to eat them and you should see her lip swell if she gets stung. When that happens she gets Benadryl as well. 

You might find it weird but we raise Carpenter Bee's as PETS on our patio. We have a small stack of logs on the rabbit hutch that they live and thrive in. They are very friendly and when a baby emerges it thinks I am it's daddy. I have been stung by them and the venom is mild except in certain instances. 

They have very strong mandibles and can cut through skin and make you bleed if they are handled too rough. One had gotten on the ground on its back and the dog was going to eat it, so as I was trying to pick it up to save it, the Bee cut into my finger with his mandibles slicing the skin and drawing blood, then insult to injury deposited a sizeable amount of venom under the skin. 

Dang it I am telling you that one was recent and hurt for a week and was very swollen. We still have our Bee's and handle them as that was an unusual situation. I wish I could raise Bumblebees but they live in the ground and there are lots around here too. The Chickens absolutely love all of them, and we give them the big grubs and the Potato bugs and watch them fight over them.

I used to be terrified of Bumblebees but not anymore.

What stinging insect experience or fears do you have?