What is your favorite outdoor activity?

 Mine is Deep Sea fishing and lake Havasu when it is 110° in the shade.

With the deep sea fishing there are many boats we like but our favorite for multi-day trips is the Excel out of San Diego which is under a 2 hour drive for us.. Other than excellent service they have some staterooms with private head and shower. This is much more comfortable than all the other boats for my wife.

We love going after the Tuna, Bluefin Tuna, Yellowfin Tuna and Albacore and it all depends on the season and where. The wife can really give us boys a clinic sometimes and has a knack for hooking giant Yellowtail. I have a feel for giant Pacific Halibut and have won some tournaments catching them.

As far as the Tuna goes, the old guy (me) with basic equipment is bouncing them over the rail all day while other guys with their fancy and expensive gear get absolutely beat up and abused by these fish. I usually limit myself to 10 fish as that is all I can process at one time anymore. I give all my extra fish to people that didn't do as well and who were seasick all day.

Bloody decks and into a nice school of Bluefin Tuna here...

Coming into port from a productive day of Yellowfin and getting the catch out of the refrigerated fish hold.

We have been on many cruises but the luxury and service on a San Diego Sport fisher is second to none. I think our next trip will be on a newer boat called the Independence as we have been on the Excel many times....

I could talk about these trips and saltwater all day but our other favorite adventure is on the "boat only" camping on the Arizona side of Lake Havasu..

Fresh Water

I have a Pontoon Boat and how we beat the heat during the day is in the water and in the shade between the pontoons...

We have a "manufactured" house on Havasu by the dam but don't get to use it very often because it is always booked for vacation rentals.

In the picture below the boat only camping is all along on the right and you can get your own little private cove or even an island. On the left side is California and no provisions for camping except that is where the famous Copper Canyon is which is popular for spring breakers...

Fishing is always awesome, and I can catch any type, anytime of the year, Striped bass all day and all night, Catfish all night and Largemouth Bass in the early AM and at dusk.

Anyway those are some of my fish tales and I could write a book so what are some of your favorite adventures?