Political Open Thread. Trump vs. Biden Supporters.

 Due to the last few threads were interrupted with politics I thought we should have a debate, or discussion about it. As we all know Trump was found guilty in a court of law. However, there were some misleading going on there. For example, He was called a murder by a judge who happened to give money to the Biden campaign. He was presumed guilty of all charges before the trial started. His Lawyer was not able to cross examine witnesses. This opens the door to a new trial. Hopefully a fairer and balanced trial. All though he was found to be guilty in a court of law the process should not be in his favor because of who he is but because he is an American. The process should apply to him as it would anyone else in America. The question I have is can he still legally run for the presidency as a now a felon? Trump is not a saint in my book or perfect. However, he does have some good qualities and ideas for America.

Biden has brought our country to a recession financially. He has opened the gates to the borders to drug dealers' rapists' terrorists, and other criminals. He is bankrupting America and has given taxpayers dollars to our enemies and other countries. When America was going through a crisis with a shortage of baby formula, he was supporting Ukraine with money and formula while American babies went without. Now the cost of baby formula has doubled or tripled in cost. Bidens cognitive state of mind has also been in question as well and who is really running the Whitehouse? Granted the stimulus packages came in nicely when they were needed when people started losing their jobs due to Covid, but it cost a lot in taxpayers dollars. I could go on and on, but I won't about Biden.  

We don't have a whole lot of choices out there right now. We have to follow our own conscious when it comes time to vote in November for the next presidency of the United Statas of America. 

Some of you may or may not agree with me concerning my opinions or beliefs when it comes to Trump or Biden. That is okay. 

If you feel very passionate about one opponent over another then it is fine. Please respect other people's opinions and do not get into heated arguments. No trolling. Thank you.