Fathers Day

I didn't realize that this topic might be difficult since I wrote my Dad's Obituary and scattered his ashes on a fishing trip at his favorite spot in 1997 so I will wear my feelings on my sleeve and write this from the heart. They were hillbillies in the woods of Tennessee and Kentucky and Mama (my Grandma) threw all 12 of the kids into a car during the dust bowl depression and came to California and told her old man that if he wanted his family he could follow. 

Dad joined the Navy at 15 to go fight in the Pacific. he was a signalman on a Destroyer, in combat got blown up a couple of times, and returned to fight some more. He suffered all his life from some of those injuries and they might be what eventually contributed to his death and Dad was 67 when he passed.

I guess you might say my relationship with Dad was tenuous at best at times but that isn't unusual. Was pretty dysfunctional household in my childhood but that seemed to be the norm for us boomers. There was a number of years I ignored him and didn't want anything to do with him and at my age now I regret. What I regret the most was not learning even more from him about construction as he could build anything and knew everything about carpentry. There are many structures and additions still there in Southern California that were built by his hands 

 I had a great relationship with my stepdad, and he was more of a dad in some respects than my real dad but mom and him didn't hook up until their 60's and lived into their 90's and they had moved to Northern California. 

I did get the privilege of cleaning up Dad's wreckage in his last years and was the only one out of all my siblings to be able to help him put his affairs in order but with that was able to spend time and have some healing. I have outlived all my siblings and whole family on both sides and am all that's left

At this stage of life I love my Dad (s) and both of them were believers and in spite of the struggles and demons, I believe I will reunite with them in eternity because of what Christ did on the cross. I being sober for 34 years, one day at a time and by the grace of God, did not perpetuate many of the same struggles onto my family.

I have a great relationship with my kids, grandkids and great grandkids but unfortunately all live far away and I will only get to physically see one. I am looking forward to a day of video calls as I frown down on the gift stuff. 

This is a gift from last year...

I could probably write a book but shared just a glimpse and attempted to keep this simple to be able to hear all of your stories. I can only imagine there are many different experiences with many of you that visit this site so please share your story.

If you have any critique of my thoughts, you are welcome to write your own Fathers Day thoughts right here in the blog...