Doing Dumb Stuff

 I am an expert at doing dumb shit.

My latest attempt to kill myself was last Thursday when I was up on a ladder in the tree with the chainsaw trimming a large branch and I thought I had it all figured out but the unexpected happened.

Was on a stepladder sawing a tree branch with the chainsaw and it broke and splintered 1/2 way through. In a manner I didn't anticipate, it swung down, knocked me off the ladder, then splintered, broke and scraped the jagged end across the top of my hand and arm.

I am OK except it was a bloody mess and freaked everyone out. They wanted to call 911 or rush me to urgent care before I had a chance to clean up. Well, I washed it up and treated with Hydrogen Peroxide and no veins, arteries or tendons. Looks like I won't need to put a couple of sutures and closed up OK with butterfly bandages then slathered it with Betadine. Hours later looks OK with no trace of infection so I am good to go and do some more stupid shit...

(somebody should have been filming that?) But this Gif pretty well sums it up. ๐Ÿ˜‚

There are some clips in here that are pretty close to my most recent stunt.

Good thing I re-stocked my butterfly sutures the other day because I went out and finished up that tree yesterday and today and needed more of them... 

It's amazing how many people I had supervising and offering advice after my stunt last Thursday,,,

What dumbshit thing have you done recently? Can you top mine?

Or do you have the ultimate dumbass stunt that you may have pulled in the past?

Lets' hear about it?