Mother's Day. Unconditional Love.

 Good morning, everyone. Sunday is Mother's Day in America. If it is also in other places, then let us know.  A mother's love is unconditional. They help us along our journey in life. From birth through adulthood. Even when we don't think we need their help any more they are there. They nurture us through sickness and teach us lessons along the way. Their job early on is a 24 / 7 job. A lot of sacrificing along the way because they love us. Some are stay at home moms, and others have to work to help provide for the family. Sometimes they make mistakes along the way. That is okay. No parent is perfect. Sometimes we expect perfection from them and when we don't get it then, it can seem like a letdown. It is not till we become parents, or wiser in our years when we realize the sacrifices they have made for us. This mother day don't forget to show your mother how much you love her. If it is too late and she has passed on in years then, you can always put flowers on her grave, or tell touching stories of her unconditional love she had towards you to other people. What kind of things did your mother do for you that showed her love towards you, or made you feel special? What stories can you talk about her?