Hippie Day's (Flower People)

 Hello. Good morning, everyone. On Saturday April 20th is National Hippie Day.  The hippie days lasted from the 1960's throughout the 1970's. It started in America. It went through the college campuses, and through the cities. It flourished to other countries as well. It supposedly ended in 1969, but actually lasted throughout the 1970's. The clothing lasted a bit longer though. Especially the bellbottom pants. Before 1960 most women didn't wear pants, but skirts, and dresses. The hippie movement so called ended at a mocked funeral, called "Death of a Hippie". In 1969. Some remained in San Francisco, California. There was a large concert in Woodstock. They gathered there to listen to folk music, and rock music. They sold art and passed drugs around. Mostly pot. The concert was called Summer of Love. the hippies protested the Viet Nam War. Some became vegetarians. They were about free love. A rebellious generation. They were mostly a white middle-class teen, and people in their 20's.  Their popular frais was Make Love Not War. The hippies ended up mostly in San Francisco, California. Black people had some rights, but not many. They couldn't drink out of the same water fountain as white people. They had to sit at a special section of a restaurant, or at the back of a transportation bus. Black children were eventually able to migrate into white schools. This leads to the Civil rights movement in 1968 Which is another topic for later on. Even the veterans who served in the Vietnam war were treated with disrespect and were not allowed to eat in a restaurant Culture, rights, and the American way's changed due to the hippie generation, and the Civil rights people. If you have any other information about the hippie generation then feel free to add to this thread. Pictures welcomed as well. Thank you.

 National hippie day was originated on November 12, 1969.