Waifu/Husbando Of The Month (June)

 For Wai-bando of the month.. It will have to be started at the very early of the month which this week is fine, but it won't be limited to just anime only but for all/most of regular tv, movies of such.

It will be on fictional characters of that sorts, no book/manga/comic characters that didn't get a tv/movie/internet show adaptation.

Everyone is allowed to pick 1 character only. Please Pick your favorite Character ... 

It will be a tournament elimination rounds depending on how many characters is chosen.

Each round should be held every several days depending on how many characters was selected and the elimination process, which we eliminated by everyone choosing how many + whom per round by posting the choices.

By elimination process will be by number of chosen of how many have chosen of that character and if tied go by number of upvotes, if tied there then go by judges decision (aka CCB mods in charge.).

Down to the final round with the final few will be chosen by the judges (aka CCB mods) to pick a winner which is best they get together and decide and best to discussed that like in discord or such before choosing the final winner and let me know so I can make the picture for the character.

Major rules are:

Only pick one character and no one else can pick the same character as you (depends on who posted the choice by time frame.)

No nude characters cause of age setting (which those triggers those NSJW stuff or mods say so.

No persuading others to change they're choice of elimination or else banning from the competition until the next one.

That one character that wins can't be use again for 3 months.

So far that's it.