Pet Peeves...( Wednesday Entertainments ... _)
What are your Pet Peeves ? Tell us or see if you can find it in a meme or gif.
Hi everyone. Our Wednesday topic this week is Pet Peeves.
This is something we come across daily in our lives. We may not notice it annoys us right away, but later in a conversation with somebody the subject of what gets under your skin or you simply say to a friend , " I can't stand when somebody does that". Then that particular action will move into the category of a pet peeve. If you google a list of pet peeves you will definitely find things on the list you have forgotten about.
Pet Peeves That Commonly Annoy People are :
Micro-management. Most people don't like it being insinuated that they can't do their work well. ...
Loud chewing or drinking. ...
Being late. ...
Interrupting. ...
Talking during a movie. ...
People who walk slow. ...
Staring at someone's phone. ...
Clipping your nails in public.......