Long Hair Vs. Short Hair On Women 2

Good morning. Just about a year ago I posted a thread on this subject, but most of our contributers weren't here at that time to discuss the subject. It can take years for a woman to grow long hair. As a Pentacostal woman I am supposed to have long hair, but unfortunately due to a big knot which formed in the back of my hair, I had to cut it short. It didn't change who I am, but it is considered to be a covering for prayer over my head to have long hair. God still listens to my prayers though. Long hair is apart of a womans glory. It takes a long time to grow, and is often difficult to maintain, or manage. It is Biblical for a woman to have long hair. From what some men have told me they like long hair on women. It takes patients to maintain, and grow out. It took 6 years for my hair to grow out, and it will take another 6 years. Some women actually look good with medium, or short hair. Especially older women. What are your thoughts on long hair verses short hair on women in todays society?